🌟 What's new
  • Global Keyboard Shortcut ⌨️
You can now trigger the Quick-Switch from anywhere outside your browser ⚡️ You can easily set it up in the settings of your browser, we explain how to do that here.
  • Copy link 🔗
Often during the day, we open new tabs simply to copy a URL and share it. Now, you can do that straight from Station by clicking the "copy link" on the right side!
  • Currently open tab
We've made it clearer now whether you are switching to a resource that is already opened in your browser. Detecting open tabs helps you keep a cleaner workflow throughout the day!
🔨 What improved
  • Fixed flickering of the search results
When searching for something, the search now shows the result without the annoying flicker!
  • Fixed flickering of the app filters
Many of you love the app filters but they used to be slow to load. It's now instant!
  • Removed duplicate results
It could happen, while editing the name of a document, that you found duplicate results without the full name of the note (still being written). We've fixed that and you'll now always have the latest result show.