Folders on the dock, to group apps together. And then maybe the folder would
expand into a second dock where the different apps are shown like in the main
When I’m working without an external monitor, I have to scroll a lot in the
dock (19 apps at the moment). And I really don’t like that. The scrolling
part, but also don’t have an instant overview of all my apps.
If I could group apps together that, for my workflow, are used together, I
could bring back the overview and I won’t have to scroll in the dock.
For example Tweetdeck, Facebook, Buffer are apps I use only when I’m doing a
particular task.
Even better would be that when the vertical space isn’t there, the apps would
be grouped together in a folder or something. And when I’m on a big monitor,
the apps would be normal in the dock, but maybe with a visual divider to show
that the apps are actually grouped.