Open station on active browser
Maud Miguet
Hello Geordy VC, I was wondering if you still have the window focus issue on multiple desktop on Windows? We released improvements about this feature and when we tested it on Windows it was working on our side. Keep me in touch :)
Maud Miguet
Hello Geordy VC, sorry to hear that. I want to make sure I understand your problem. Have you got multiple windows opened for the same browser account? Or have you multiple windows of different Chrome accounts? If it the latter, you'll need to install Station on both your accounts.
If it's the first case, we try to open Station on the focused window, sometimes it changes windows because the last page focused was in the window that is not active. We have some improvements planned for this behavior but it could help if you described how does this happen to you step by step. Are you on Mac, Windows, or Linux?
Thank a lot for your feedback :)
Geordy VC
Maud Miguet: Hello Maud Miguet,
The browsers are from the same account and the problem was mostly on Windows when using multiple desktops for multi tasking. And not multiple desktops like multiple computers but different workspaces like this: (just for clarification)
Maud Miguet